If you are reading this then get excited as this could very well be your first step to earning a spot with ConcentrixFit as an Ambassador and opportunity to become an Sponsored Athlete. We are growing and we would like to bring on individuals who are ready to grow with us. With that being said we are looking for individuals that hold core values to the highest standard as we do here at ConcentrixFit. Integrity,
Honesty, Loyalty, Pride, Passion, Leadership, Commitment & Efficiency amongst many others that ConcentrixFit stands for day in and day out.
Unlike other companies we are not
about being the biggest, fittest, leanest or prettiest; we are committed to
helping people achieve a happier, healthier and more productive life. Happier
relationships with their families, healthier decisions in nutrition, exercise and
life which ultimately will help transpire to a more productive life fulfilled
with time freedom, financial freedom and much more. What separates
ConcentrixFit from other companies is that we pride ourselves on proper
teaching, etiquette and ensuring our customers along with our staff understand
exactly how are products work, the intention of each and most importantly
perform for each individual according to their lifestyle.
With so many companies out there
losing money on sponsorships where no proper relationship was formed, proper
culture was absent and a simple free product for content posting has become
diminished, lazy and simply outdated we are focused on ushering in a new era
that is sure to be rewarding for all parties involved. With our new system you
will have the opportunity to grow not only in statue but in knowledge and
wealth along with potential stardom. To first become an Ambassador it must be earned by having the proper influence, education and knowledge to pass onto others. There are no hand outs here and you must do the work to provide the utmost to your audience and not the almost. To become a Sponsored Athlete, it must be
earned by first completing our Ambassador program. We are growing in all
areas of ConcentrixFit, if you have what it takes then show us what you got.
There are no no Freebees here, Everything is Earned!
Email: Support@ConcentrixFit.com to learn more and bring your A game!